UPDATE 5/12/2020: Over 1,522 Facemasks made and distributed.
If you are in need of masks please email Wendy at wcarriker@gmail.com for orders and available fabric colors.

Sewing is my therapy.
Right now it is helping me cope during these “Safe at Home” days
(North Carolina has been sheltering at home since March 16, 2020).
It started with a few masks for the Cafeteria staff of our school system, as they continue to serve meals to the students in our community.
Then requests came from Businesses, Hospice, and friends near and far.
Over 600 masks have been made and distributed as of 4-20-20.
Please let me know if you would like a mask, all I ask is that in return you make a
donation of food or money to a school feeding program.
Food insecurity is a huge issue in our area under normal circumstances.
It’s even more important to make sure the children and families in our community
have food to eat during these times.
If you would like to make a donation to the Hungry Bears Feeding program,
please send your donations to:
Mount Airy City Schools
351 Riverside Drive
Mount Airy, NC 27030
Memo: Hungry Bears Backpack Program
Fabrics vary as I go through my vast collection of remnants.
Stay Home
Stay Safe
Take Care!