Someone in our family was having one of those birthday’s with a “0” in it, and is also a little hard to shop for. The idea of a vertical chess board came into the conversation. We had looked at one on a web site, but it was pretty expensive, and thought, can’t we make one?
We started with a 40% off coupon at Michael’s, and found a 18″ x 24″ shadow box
We were in the process of having new flooring installed, and I asked our “flooring guy” Jimmy if he could help get the “shelves” needed and put them in place for me. But first I had to break out the glass in the frame, because it was secured to the front of the frame, not just placed in.
You have heard the saying measure twice, cut once? We measured at least 4 times, to make sure the shelves were the right size and distance apart.
Jimmy also put small spacer pieces on each side to help hold the shelves in place, and give the shelves stability.
Next the shelves were spray painted black.
The back of the shadow box was a soft foam board. It was measured off, and painted. We didn’t have to worry about the lines being exact, because the shelves would cover the top and bottom of the painted squares. Because the back was soft, it did absorb quite a bit of paint.