Are you ready for the holidays? We have been sewing, and sewing. Please check out the new items in our shop!
Thank you!
Are you ready for the holidays? We have been sewing, and sewing. Please check out the new items in our shop!
Thank you!
We love quotes, and especially quotes about strong, remarkable women! These towels can be embroidered in a wide assortment of colors. We have towels in red, royal blue, turquoise, black, white and tan. We also have white with turquoise, red, pink or green check trim, white with black boarder….and the list goes on. Send us a message and customize your items today.
Every now and then you find an embroidery design that just speaks to you.
Enough said! (Thank you Urban Threads Embroidery Designs)
Dish towel pillows in assorted colors. $15.00 each plus shipping. Send a message at: to place an order. There is no limit to the color combinations. Dish towels available in with Red, Black, Blue, Green, Lavender, Brown, Red/Green Plaid trim, OR Off white with Blue, Black or Multicolored Stripes. Because some days you just have to say “Oh Hell No!”
I love these designs by Urban Threads. They are perfect for some of my friends, and maybe yours as well.
These dish towel pillows were gifts the the GFWC-NC District for 2014-2016 and 2016-2018 District Presdients and Junior Directors! The pillows on the left say “Out of my way world, I’ve got my Sassy Pants on today”, and the pillows on the right say “Be Fearless”
I love this saying: Don’t Tell Me What To Do! How many times have I heard that (and said it!) Shown here on a khaki dish towel pillow ($18.00 other colors always available). This design also looks great on aprons.
Someone’s cat had to poto bomb this picture.
Another favorite, shown on aprons. Assorted colors available $15.00
Girlfriends are the sisters we choose for ourselves! This is so true of my best friends.
They are family, and I cherish each of them!
This design is for those dear friends that are sisters, family!
Stitched on a cotton dish towel, and made into a pillow. The pillows sell for $15.00 each and are available in many color options. The design also looks great on an apron.